Day 28

Ferry en route to Vale (Wales)

Sleeping on a ferry is pretty easy for me especially with after a few glasses of red wine. 

right: Loading cars on board the ferry to Portsmouth

The weather is now decidedly cold.  We reached the hotel here in Vale in Wales, after driving from Portsmouth before lunch and now have the rest of the day to fill and not much to do.  The hotel is a golf resort but neither Mark nor I do that!

It’s blowing a gale but not raining at the moment.  I’m told by the locals it could rain anytime and yes, they believe it will rain tomorrow.

It felt strange at first driving on the left of the road again after so many days of driving on the right.  Roundabouts need to be thought about and at the first toll booth I got ready to pay before realising that paying is now done on Mark's side of the car.

I continue to get ribbed/paid off/ridiculed about losing glasses.  Yesterday I discovered a pair had been cable tied to the bulbar.

Only five stages of rally to do tomorrow.  There is to be another crew briefing tonight but we already have a bulletin saying five stages tomorrow and none on Sunday.
Next: Day 29: final competition stages in Wales

